Guest Code of Conduct
Six Senses Wellness is committed to providing all guests with a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment free from harassment and discrimination. We ask all guests to treat others with respect and refrain from behavior that could be considered harassing, discriminatory, or make others feel uncomfortable.
Examples of Prohibited Conduct Include:
• Unwelcome or inappropriate physical contact
• Unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors
• Verbal harassment, such as unwelcome comments, jokes, slurs, or negative stereotyping
• Visual displays of derogatory or offensive images, photography, cartoons, drawings, or gestures
• Threatening or intimidating acts directed at another guest
Treatment Room:
• Photography or video recording is strictly prohibited
• Guests should wear a towel or robe when walking to and from treatment area
• Guests should not linger unnecessarily and will avoid conduct that has knowingly made others feel uncomfortable
• Guests should respect the personal space and privacy of others during treatments
Guests engaging in discriminatory, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be asked to leave immediately. We reserve the right to deny service to any individual violating these policies.
At Six Senses Wellness, we abide by all state and local regulations and policies that pertain to the use of treatment rooms and bathrooms, including those related to gender identity. In areas where specific laws are in place, guests must adhere to the local regulations for the appropriate use of bathrooms and should consult management with any questions about those laws.
We thank you for cooperating in creating a welcoming environment for all guests. Please bring any concerns to the attention of management.