Every treatment at Six Senses Wellness is transformed into a unique and personal occasion, a moment created especially for you.
Understanding your essential concerns our Senior Professional Massage Therapist, and Six Senses Wellness Founder, Angela, can tailor any treatment from our menu according to your needs and expectations.
Reserve your personalized consultation with Angela, an esteemed health professional, who provides unparalleled expertise and attention to detail. Experience the pinnacle of health and wellness services designed exclusively for those who value precision and sophistication.
Specialty Massages
Customized to produce the results you desire, each multi-sensorial massage experience provides relaxation, restoration and an array of healing benefits.
Vital Alighnment
Motivated by the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to strive for complete alignment, Six Senses Wellness prides itself on making yoga accessible to every age and every body.
Meditation for Healing
Just like physical exercise, we need to train our heart and mind if we are to experience true wellbeing.